
To be honest we know very little about this product. To me that is a signal of it being more of a closed culture.

I did know the company that invented it. They sued me for copyright infringement in 1997 with an earlier product which I was not guilty of because of because I wrote a completely different product and never had access to their source code.


They made my life very difficult when I started out in business by extending the lawsuit and using it speak negatively about me. Having said that I was a little immature in my perspective and I was rude about them. So people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

If you are evaluating this product and company I would suggest looking at sites like G2 and glassdoor to see how they are doing. The company used to be called Lyniate. They also bought .

We used to get pretty awful reviews on glassdoor ourselves until I had a mental crisis in 2019 about how I communicated with people in my own company. I feel like I learned and I feel like now we do better . But that is all very very subjective.

Have a look at Rhapsody yourself and see if you like the culture of the company behind it.

Having said all that I enjoyed the culture of Orion in 1995 - I have some fond memories of my time there and I felt a little bad about making a competitive product but I think they did fine. Rhapsody got sold to a private equity firm and so I am sure the investors and the CEO got a good payout.