A mouse which is good for Sam

A mouse which is good for Sam

@sam.bender (Unlicensed) kindly shared that he enjoys this mouse:

Quoting his words:

I quite like the Logitech mx master 2s mouse, I make use of the extra buttons and the gestures feature to port a lot of the trackpad swipes from Mac, since I was finding myself reaching for the trackpad a lot when I was using my old mouse. The most helpful is I have copy and paste mapped to the mouse which I use all the time and is so much nicer than having to use my keyboard or right clicking.

I found I was getting a bit of hand pain using a smaller mouse that cleared up quickly when I switched as well, so it's a good shape for me. I use the two side buttons so they're right near where my thumb rests and have really enjoyed it, it takes a moment to build up the muscle memory for which button is copy and which is paste but after that it's really handy



I have quite large hands so this might be quite a good mouse for me also. I will give it a try even though in my experience Logitech products feel like a bit of mixed bag.

I am intrigued with the idea of supporting copy and pasting - that is a workflow I also use often.

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