Git Servers Configuration File

If any modifications are made to the default IguanaX settings, the new list of Git Servers and their connectivity information is saved in the working directory in a servers.json file:

<working directory>/config/settings/servers.json

It may look something like this:

{ "": { "http_port": 0, "secure": false, "ssh_port": 0, "type": "Server - GitLab" }, "": { "http_port": 0, "secure": true, "ssh_port": 0, "type": "Cloud - Bitbucket" }, "": { "http_port": 0, "secure": true, "ssh_port": 0, "type": "Cloud - Azure Devops" }, "": { "http_port": 0, "secure": true, "ssh_port": 0, "type": "Cloud - GitHub" }, "": { "http_port": 0, "secure": true, "ssh_port": 0, "type": "Cloud - GitLab" } }