Working Directory

The working directory structure was updated in IguanaX v10.1.103. This document reflects those changes, if your working directory looks different, upgrade to the latest version!

The IguanaX working directory is structured to store all instance configurations and data, including these key directories:

  • config - contains all instance configurations files and user settings.

  • logt - the Log Directory which contains your data. You may also have a loge directory for encrypted logs if enabled.

  • resources - contains cached local copies of git collections (repos) for quick retrieval.

  • pdb - the program debug file.

  • upgrades - contains the release files used for past releases (if you have upgraded).

It is very important for the functioning of Iguana that IguanaX is running with the right permissions to access it's working directory.

~ is a short cut for the home directory of the user account that IguanaX is running under.

  • Windows: C:\ProgramData\IguanaX\

  • Linux: ~/.IguanaX/

  • Mac OS X: ~/Library/IguanaX/

If you need to locate your working directory, IguanaX displays it in the Settings About page (Data Directory).



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