Log Configuration File

Log Configuration File

Log configurations are stored in the Configuration Files logging directory:

<working Dir>/config/settings/log.json

The logging directory stores two main log configuration files:

The log.json file will be created when log purge rules are configured in Iguana. It can be found:

<working Dir>/config/settings/log.json

The contents of logging.json may look as follows:

[ { "days_to_keep": 7, "hash": "*" }, { "days_to_keep": 1, "hash": "#demo" } ]

The log.json file is a configuration file you will need to create in your configuration files if you want to configure Iguana to store it’s logs in a different log directory. The location of the log.json file is:

<working Dir>/config/settings/log.json

The contents of the log.json file may look as follows:

{ "log_dir": "/Users/Documents/logs" }

See Change the Log Directory for more details on how to implement this change.



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