Crash Reports

Crash Reports

When an unexpected shutdown or crash occurs, a crash report is automatically generated by IguanaX.

A list of all crash reports are provided. Users can click on the crash file to view the report.


A history of all crash reports is stored in your IguanaX working directory.

<working directory>/config/reports/

No need to talk to IT to get additional information, everything is in the crash report file. The information included helps our team diagnose and resolve issues quickly.

It does not contain any PHI.

  1. Information about the instance. This contains key information about the operating system, Iguana version and the web server identity. This is one of the reasons it is so important to Identify your Iguana.

  2. Server Resource Usage. This contains key server statistics including CPU percentage used, Memory, Open Files, and Disk usage. All key statistics important in identifying particular issues.

  3. Root cause. A root error or cause of the crash is provided to be interpreted by our support and development team.

  4. Stack trace. Provides contextual information about the sequence of events that led to the error, starting from the point where the error happened and back through the chain of calls that led to that point.

If your IguanaX can access our crash reporting site - https://crashreport.interfaceware.com:7888/ - then crash dumps are automatically sent to our team so we can support you right away.



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