Automated Crash Reporting

Automated Crash Reporting

One of the bottlenecks with Iguana 6 was the effort required for customers to work with us to report crashes.

Customers would need to find the dump file, contact support, upload it to our FTP server. They would have to find the time to do so and notice a crash had actually occurred.

Support would then need to work with development to analyze the crash report on a special machine.

The process was very slow and tedious. Definitely a bottleneck.

I had the idea on Thursday night, 24 hours later the team had the solution implemented.

We set up a IguanaX instance in the cloud which receives the crash reports via HTTP.

See Web Services

It was super simple. Just two components - the webservice component receives the crash reports from Iguana. These are queued into the Slack Notifier.

Here’s an example:


It’s not the most polished system but boy does it make a powerful impact in our ability to serve our customers, locate problems and fix them fast.

From the development team’s perspective it’s one of the most useful sources of information - they can see the line in the code causing the problem. If the customer has followed this process:

Identify your Iguana

It means we can reach out and help the customer get the fix.


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