Component Configuration Files

Component Configuration Files

The configuration file for an individual component’s configurations are stored in the comps directory:

<working directory>/config/comps/<component guid>/

Each directory contains a components.json file, storing the component card fields, and two directories storing the component’s project files - dev and run:

component.json stores the information entered on the component card :

  • description - the component description.

  • fields - the custom fields and values on the component card (vales are always encrypted).

  • guid - the component’s assigned unique identifier.

  • name - the component name.

  • sources - stores the component guid of all the connected source components.

  • tags - list of assigned tags.

  • template - true or false indicating if the component is an iNTERFACEWARE template component.

An example component file may look like this:

{ "description": "HL7 map example", "fields": { "facilityFilter": "517D846FAA694B3A09730CFC36186EDA", "msgType": "517D846FAA694B3A09730CFC36186EDA" }, "guid": "HL7Mapper_AmgBIzKDrHSJUL", "name": "HL7 Mapper", "sources": [ "HL7Server_JBmyF2YKFSY3K7" ], "tags": [ "#demo" ], "template": false }

The component.json file is not checked into component repositories, however is checked into and stored in the Git Instance repository.

There are two directories with the same structure, used by Iguana to run the components according to the configuration:

  • The dev directory contains a component’s Translator project files and configurations when the component is set to run in development mode.

  • The run directory contains a component’s Translator project files and configurations when the component is set to run from a specific selected commit.

See Choosing the code to run for your component.

The folders will contain:

  • main.lua along with any other files or dependencies included in the project (ex. VMD, VDB, Lua files, etc.)

  • config.json - config.json stores the custom fields and default values set in the Translator.

  • .git folder - directory that stores all the data, history, and configurations required for Git to manage version control of the component’s repository.


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