Build system

Build system

This is something I and the team are very proud of. For the last two years we’ve been running multiple IguanaX instances which run our builds. IguanaX builds itself .

This is broadly how it works. Each platform instance is set up something like this:


It takes us just over 3 minutes to do a windows build of IguanaX. The Arm Linux build is blindingly fast - often ready in 13-25 seconds.

See Tagging individuals with Slack notifications. This is so powerful when it comes to facilitating team interactions around processes.

The old build system product we used had a Slack notification feature but it was brain dead.

Every time a build was done it would send a Slack notification which was brain dead - it was the classic Boy that cried wolf - false positive

It’s super fast and when combined with our Automated Crash Reporting and the ability to make our beta builds easily installable - see Upgrade Special - access unreleased builds.

It truly eliminates our own bottlenecks with being able to see problems quickly, deal with them and support our customers.

It’s pretty awesome

This system releases so much stress - having Slack notifications which actually re-enforce our workflow is so helpful. It’s funny - our old build integration server has a plugin for Slack notifications

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