

Humans use Concepts/Stories/Beliefs/Ideas/Memes to help us comprehend the incomprehensible nature of reality.


Quantum Mechanics is an engineering approximation

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Narratives are received from the moment we are born through Conversation and other sources of information.

Clearly knowing the source of where narratives come from is extremely important.

There are lot of ideas which don’t serve the ‘end user’ of the narratives which serve other groups that don’t necessarily have the same incentives.

For instance silly ideas in business:

  • Sales Funnel - Came from vendors selling sales workflow products

  • Marketing Drip Campaign - from a marketing automation vendor

Every time we receive new ideas people have to evaluate whether or not the idea is compatible with their existing ideas.

Compatible narratives are more easily understood and accepted.

Some narratives/concepts require a base of many other narratives/concepts before you can ‘understand’ them.

Narratives are imaginary. Canada is not a real object that you can touch and talk to.

All our physics theories are approximations of reality which is more complicated.

See Sapiens.

Narratives can range from negative to positive.

Some people ‘positive narratives’ might be negative for other people.

It all depends on your own ‘deep’ narratives.

Next: Influence the Narrative


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