How to Clean Up IguanaMainRepo
Often in DEV or QA environments, customer found that Iguana was taking a long time to commit
It also takes a longer time to start up
[INFO ] Optimizing Git repositories. This may take a few minutes...
In some special cases, the commits will fail or timeout
Overtime the IguanaMainRepo has too many commit histories which may affect Iguana to update the repo
Cleanup IguanaMainRepo but preserve existing channels and configurations
Steps to Cleanup IguanaMainRepo
Create a local temporary repository (e.g “TempRepo”)
Ensure all translator changes have been committed
Export all your channels with sample data to TempRepo
If you are exporting a large amount of channels, export 10-20 channels at a time. This ensures that if there is an issue with Iguana while exporting only some channels must be re-exported.
Make a backup of “IguanaMainRepo” folder
Make a backup of the “run” and “edit” folders
Make a backup of “IguanaConfiguration.xml” file found in IguanaConfigurationRepo folder
Stop the Iguana Service
Delete the following folders:
Edit, Run, data, IguanaMainRepo, IguanaConfigurationRepo
Start the Iguana Service
Once started, if Log encryption is enabled, choose reuse existing key option
Login to Iguana Dashboard
Add local repository (e.g “TempRepo”) and import all channels back
If you are importing a large amount of channels, import 10-20 channels at a time. This ensures that if there is an issue with Iguana while importing only some channels must be re-imported.
Stop the Iguana Service
Overwrite IguanaConfiguration.xml in the new IguanaConfigurationRepo with the backup made in step 6
Start the Iguana Service