Install IguanaX in Docker

With the pre-built IguanaX Linux Installation Script, it is fairly straight forward to install IguanaX as Docker container. Before starting, see Understanding Docker.

How to Create and Run IguanaX in Docker:

A sample dockerfile and shell script can be used to create a docker image, install Iguana and run it inside the container. Modify the scripts as needed for your implementation.

In, please replace ADMIN_PASSWORD on line 68 with a secure admin password.

Use the sample Dockerfile to build Docker Image called “iguana_image“

docker build -t iguana_image .

Note: If required, you can use the --platform flag to specify the OS and architecture you want to build.

Run above built docker image and binding docker port 7654 (IguanaX Dashboard port) with container port 8765.

docker run -d -p 8765:7654 --name iguana_container iguana_image

Note: If required, you can use the --platform flag to specify the OS and architecture you want to run.

At this time, the docker should successfully installed and ran IguanaX application as runtime. You can check docker container logs for detail

docker logs iguana_container


Note: Most Docker setups do not support systemd, so you can skip the install Iguana X as a service notification.

Open your local browser and access IguanaX with your configured admin password. http://localhost:8765/#dashboard

Other Considerations:

Dockerfile Sample

Note: Depending on your linux flavour, you may need to update the Docker Image and Installation commands. Sample


  • This sample downloads IguanaX v10.1.103. The Linux Installation Script from: can be updated from line 4 - 62.

  • You will need to update admin password on line 68 (replace ADMIN_PASSWORD)

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