Mac OS X Installation

Installation Procedure:

  • Open the MacOS IguanaX DMG Installer file.

  • Drag and drop the IguanaX application icon into your Applications Folder.

    • It might be necessary to stop IguanaX if it is already installed and replace the old application icon. Don’t worry this will be an upgrade - you won’t lose your data and configurations from your existing install.

  • Double click on the IguanaX application icon

  • In the Mac menu bar (top right), click the IguanaX icon to reveal a dropdown menu:

    • Choose Start Iguana from the dropdown to start the IguanaX service.

  • Then choose Iguana Dashboard from the dropdown to open your browser to Iguana which is running as a launchd service.

  • Login to Iguana using the default username, admin and password. Please change these to something more secure as soon as you login.

This video shows a quick demonstration of installing Iguana X on a MacOS computer:


Need to install Git?

You may not have GIT installed on Mac and get this warning:

Click OK and a page will open up directing you on how to install GIT on MacOS. Or use this link.

Troubleshooting Tips:

Sometimes MacOS does not resolve the loopback IP address ( to “localhost” as it should.

So, please try to enter this in your URL: to access your IguanaX dashboard.

First time users of Iguana often miss the subtle little icon for Iguana in their top menu status bar. Here’s a garish picture to show you where it is!

For more tips see, Troubleshooting Mac OS X Installation.


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