Deploy AWS Hosted Instance

Deploy AWS Hosted Instance

This component is an example deploying an IguanaX instance on a hosted EC2 instance in AWS using a preconfigured EC2 launch template, given a few queued request parameters (action, email, and cname). During deployment, this component also uses the GoDaddy API to update DNS records accordingly.

You can adapt this component to use in your organization.

At iNTERFACEWARE, we use an adapted version of this component to orchestrate deploying a hosted instance of Iguana X in AWS.

How it works:

See Create a Component if you need a refresher on how to import a component.

The email and cname from the queued request parameters are stored in the client table.

The EC2 Library is called to allocate the an EC2 public and routable Elastic IP to be used by our newly deployed EC2 instance. See EC2 AWS CLI Adapter.

Note: No error will be reported about Elastic IP quota exhaustion. If quota is exceeded, the IP is not generated and an instance cannot be deployed and will require manual intervention. There is a note included to guide you on possible enhancements.

Iguana is deployed on an EC2 instance using the preconfigured launch template ID and requested client cname.

The instance name will be standardized to “h_<IP address>_<cname>“. It is stored in the client object.

See EC2 AWS CLI Adapter.