Salesforce Adapter

Salesforce Adapter

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The Salesforce adapter is designed to help you connect and interact with the Salesforce API. It includes a simple example of retrieving and updating an account. It is designed in a way for you to easily adapt and build additional functionality quickly.

Refer to Setup a Salesforce Developer Account for the sign up process and gathering the Salesforce authentication details needed for the Salesforce Adapter.

See Create a Component if this is your first time!

  • Input your developer account domain

  • Consumer Key as the ClientID

  • Consumer Secret as the ClientSecret

The Key does not need to be entered. SALESFORCEcustom module first queries the Salesforce token endpoint using the OAuth2.0 client credentials workflow to obtain the token and sets it to the encrypted Key custom field.

The API version is set to default to v59.0. You can find what version you are using by going to <your domain>/services/data/.

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The SALESFORCE Library is used to create a Salesforce client and call different methods against the Salesforce API. The example workflow included:

  • Queries Salesforce for an Account Object named “Jiffy Dry Cleaning“

  • If the call was successful and an Account object that meets the query exists then modify the object by passing the Object name, id, and parameters to update (the industry)