Gmail Trasher

Gmail Trasher

The Gmail Trasher component is a simple component that receives email IDs queued from the Email Filter component and interacts with Gmail using the IMAP protocol (using the IMAP Library) to move the emails to the trash folder.

Set it up:

See Create a Component if you need a refresher.

If you need to setup a Gmail App Password, see the steps in IMAP Email Feed.

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The Gmail Trasher is designed to be a destination component, linked with the IMAP Email Feed (source) and the Email Filter (filter) as upstream components. See Edit Connections.

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See Email Filter. Remember, email IDs that match a particular criteria are being fed into the queue in order of mail ID (can be thought of as oldest to newest) so choose a filter that will catch non-important old emails to trash.

First run the Email IMAP Feed and Email Filter components and let emails queue up on your Dashboard. Once you queue up a few emails, stop the components.