Uninstall Iguana on Mac

Uninstall Iguana on Mac

We’re sad to see you go!

But we know love can never be forced. These are places you’ll need to delete files from in order to clean your Mac of Iguana:

  1. Stop Iguana

  2. Quit Monitor

Delete the Application icon from your application directory - this is safe to do any time since it’s just got the application executable, not your data.

rm -rf /Application/IguanaX.app/

This is the working directory (typically ~/Library/IguanaX/) for Iguana which contains all your data, including instance configurations and logs.

rm -rf ~/Library/IguanaX/

Finally go to ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ and delete:

  • com.interfaceware.IguanaX.controller.plist - this starts the controller for Iguana when you start up.

  • com.interfaceware.IguanaX.plist - this will be present if Iguana is installed and running

    • The controller will delete this file when Iguana is not running so don’t worry if it isn’t present.

rm -rf ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.interfaceware.IguanaX.*