Installing as systemd daemon
Installing as systemd daemon
On Linux, IguanaX can be installed and run as a systemd daemon. Typically you would do the following:
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-6-141 ~]$ sudo ./iguana --service install
Successfully installed service: IguanaX
To start the service use:
sudo /home/ec2-user/iguana --service start
You can stop and start the service using standard systemctl commands on the IguanaX service:
sudo systemctl start IguanaX
sudo systemctl stop IguanaX
The Iguana command line also has some convenient command line options to do the same actions:
sudo ./iguana --service start
sudo ./iguana --service stop
sudo ./iguana --service restart
These will start, stop and restart the server. Under the hood they are merely wrappers for the systemctl commands.