Mac caching

Mac caching

Are you the kind of person who finds solace in clearing cache directories, a habit cultivated from the Windows environment where %TEMP% reigns supreme? Fear not, fellow cache enthusiast! I've crafted a script that brings the joy of cache cleansing to your Mac, ensuring a smoother and more efficient system.

-- Clear User Cache do shell script "find ~/Library/Caches -type f -exec rm {} +" -- Display completion message for user cache display dialog "User Cache Cleared Successfully!" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" -- Clear System Cache (requires administrator password) do shell script "sudo find /Library/Caches -type f -exec rm {} +" with administrator privileges -- Display completion message for system cache display dialog "System Cache Cleared Successfully!" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"

Eliot - I took the same idea and just did it as a shell script:

sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/* /Library/Caches/*