Methods on object orientated code

Methods on object orientated code

The code here shows three problems:

  • Methods on objects give a false sense to the programmer using the methods that they don’t need to think about the internals of an object.

  • Lack of separation of concerns

  • Difficulty of seeing how code is being used.

bool TRNCmap::addComponent(const TRNCconfig& Config){ COL_METHOD(TRNCmap::addComponent); COL_VAR(Config); if (m_NodeConfigMap.count(Config.m_Guid) > 0){ COL_TRC("Component already exists"); return false; } m_NodeConfigMap.addUnique(Config.m_Guid, Config); // hopefully shallow copy constructor works m_NodeConnectionMap.clear(); rebuildConnectionMap(); COL_TRC("Added new component"); return true; } void TRNCmap::rebuildConnectionMap() { COL_METHOD(TRNCmap::rebuildConnectionMap); m_NodeConnectionMap.clear(); COLmap<COLstring, TRNCconfig>::iterator Itr; for (Itr = m_NodeConfigMap.begin(); Itr != m_NodeConfigMap.end(); ++Itr) { COLvector<COLstring>& Sources = Itr->second.m_Sources; for (int i = 0; i < Sources.size(); ++i) { m_NodeConnectionMap[Sources[i]].push_back(Itr->first); } } }

Consider how this code works when:

  • We use it in the context of loading up N components when we start the product?

  • How can we easily see what parts of the code call these two methods?

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