iNTERFACEWARE Documentation
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Optimizing Systems
Complex Systems
System Constraints
The Goal
Influence the Narrative
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Complex Systems Theory
Communication Concepts
Business Concepts
Workspace Concepts
Simplicity Design Concepts
Home Concepts
Law and Accounting Concepts
Computer Concepts
Web Technology Concepts
Security Concepts
GIT concepts
Text Editors
Computer Fundamentals
C++ Concepts
Why use C++ in 2021?
Why we don't use the standard C++ library?
Making a Single File C/C++ Sandbox
Make a multi-file sandbox with make
Your first day on the development team
Named prefixes with C++ and our string class
C++ Tracing
C Concepts
Const References for Inputs and Non const Pointers for Outputs
C DLL/Shared object APIs
Why use C instead of C++ for APIs?
What is C++ name mangling?
Why we use handles to express an object with properties in a C APIs
How do we do callbacks in C APIs?
What is the difference between cdecl and stdcall C function calling protocols?
What tools exist to examine the symbols exported and imported by a shared library?
What is binary API compatibility?
Introduction to DLLs - Microsoft Video
Reference Counting
Initializing data in C/C++
C Preprocessor
Static keyword - it's multiple meanings in C++
C++ Core Library Foundations
Cross Platform Multithreading
Tools you need for a sandbox to play
What are classes and methods in C++?
Smart Pointers
Operator Overloading
Coding Practices to avoid
Python Concepts
Lua Concepts
Hacking Iguana
Apple Concepts
Information System Concepts
Product X
Human Concepts Overview
Further Reading
Our Core Values
Large Language Models
C DLL/Shared object APIs
How do we do callbacks in C APIs?
How do we do callbacks in C APIs?
Eliot Muir
Owned by
Eliot Muir
Sept 24, 2021
1 min read
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What is the equivalent of COLclosure in a C API?
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