Tools to install for Macos Build

These are tools you should get installed:

  • Either use gmail web client, apple mail or gmail app for your company email

  • The following apps on your phone and computer

    • Slack

    • Confluence

  • Home Brew - very handy package management system for Mac OS X - the following packages are recommended

    • brew install ccache (C Cache a very handy tool for making builds faster)

    • brew install autoconf (autoconf - needed to build libgit for Iguana)

    • brew install unixodbc (unixodbc - needed to compile the DB library)

    • brew install automake (Needed to configure and build curl)

    • brew install cmake (Needed to make third party libraries)

    • brew install libtool (Needed for libssh)

For convenience:

brew install ccache autoconf automake unixodbc cmake libtool