Author Info

Git requires that give your name and email address to label your commits. Each Iguana X User will need to add their Author Info the first time they login.

You can pick anything you like but it’s best practice to pick an email address that your cloud host will recognize if you want to be able to trace your commits in that cloud host. See for how to configure your cloud host access in Iguana.

Each user’s Author Info is also what is used to so if you have problems we can help you!

In Iguana Git Settings, click edit in Author Info to configure your name and email.

Screen Shot 2024-04-16 at 11.24.01 AM.png

These can also be set at the command line of GIT, like so:

git config --global "John" git config --global ""

These settings can be found in your User’s ~/.gitconfig file:

[user] name = John email =