

The Settings Environment page is used to manage your instance environment variables.

Environmental variables make it possible to use variables within your interfaces to differentiate between development, staging and production environments.

For instance, if you configured an environmental variable like SERVER. This could point to a test database in your development servers and a production database in production.

  1. Local Variables are local to the Iguana Instance. Users can create local environment variables to store API keys, user authentication, endpoints for specific systems, or paths to local configuration files.

  2. To create a new local variable:


  1. To modify or delete an existing local variable

  1. Systems Variables are built into Iguana. These cannot be changed and are hidden.


To access environmental variables in your scripts you would either use:

  • In Lua: os.getenv("SERVER") or

  • In a custom field: ${SERVER}

One can also change environmental variables that external command line tools might use. Keep in mind that the environmental variable changes only occur with the context of the IguanaX server instance - not the entire operating system.

Iguana stores all custom environment variables in the instance directory in IguanaEnv.txt.