Get an Activated License Code
Members Account Licensing API base URL:
Register your Iguana ID to Activate a License Code POST /api
This API method returns a JSON object containing the license description and activated license code.
Parameter | Description | Value (as a string) |
product | The product you want to license. |
token | Your authentication token from |
method | The API method name. |
description | Provide a description to pair with the license. |
entitlementid | The ID of the license you want to activate. Retrieved from |
instanceid | The Iguana ID of the instance that you want to apply the license to. Retrieved from |
Sample Request:
Curl request calling the license API and parsing the license code from the response:
IguanaLicenseCode=`curl -k -X POST "<IguanaToken>&description=IguanaLicense&entitlementid=<EntitlementID>&instanceid=<IguanaID>" | jq -r '.data.code'`
"data": {
"description": "Test",
"code": "4492A1B5CDA25D79DFCC5DC3GHS4448B9D8A3CCC98",
"license_expiry": "2025-08-13",
"name": "IguanaX Test",
"instanceid": "THSWPRHMUXTT7MRR",
"log_search": 365,
"num_components": 50
"status": "ok"