Programmatically apply a License Code

Programmatically apply a License Code

License codes can be applied to an Iguana instance manually in IguanaX License Settings. However, there are two possible methods to programmatically apply a license code to an Iguana instance:

Method 1: On the command line, write the license code to the IguanaLicense File

The IguanaLicense file is found in your Iguana Working Directory.

Use the following command with your appropriate working directory:

echo $IguanaLicenseCode > C:\ProgramData\IguanaX\config\other\IguanaLicense;

The IguanaLicense file is found in your Iguana Working Directory.

Use the following command with your appropriate working directory:

echo $IguanaLicenseCode > /home/iguanauser/.IguanaX/config/other/IguanaLicense;

Method 2: Use the IguanaX API to apply the license code to the target Iguana instance

Method: GET /session/login

To call the IguanaX APIs you must first login and get a session cookie from the response header to authenticate your subsequent requests.

Use your Iguana instance IP address and port:


  • username: Your IguanaX instance username string

  • password: Your IguanaX instance password string

Example curl command calling the /session/login API and parsing to retrieve Iguana session cookie the response header Set-Cookie to authenticate the next API call:

IguanaCookie=`curl -i -k -X GET "<user>&password=<pass>" | grep -i 'Set-Cookie: ' | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/;$//'`

Should look similar to: IguanaSession-jYQGeQWk97ylKuP8AmEiad=z7WR4Xwzk51hXMP2e3WeZa

Response Header:

Method: POST /license/set

This API method applies the registered license code to the Iguana instance and returns a JSON object containing the request success or failure. To authenticate, the obtained Cookie is provided in the header of the request.


Example curl command calling the /license/set API to apply the license code and activate the Iguana instance:



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