Server - GitLab Setup

Server - GitLab Setup

Follow the steps below to configure your IguanaX Git settings to leverage your local GitLab server.

First, you need to add your local GitLab server to your Settings > Git Servers list.

See Git Servers to add your local GitLab Server.

Go to Settings > Git. For each step, click image-20240829-195951.png to set your configurations.

Git requires a name and email to label your commits. We recommend you use an email address recognized by GitLab so you can trace your commits in it.

We also use this Author Info to help Identify your Iguana so if you have problems we can help you!

Select your local GitLab server address from the list of Git Servers.


IguanaX needs to have the ability to create Git repositories on GitLab. This means we need to create an access token with the correct permissions. Iguana will use the token to authenticate with GitLab.

  • Enter a Token Name, Expiration Date and grant the following Scopes. Click Create Personal Access Token:

  • Copy the generated GitLab access token and paste it in your IguanaX Git Server Token setting and click Save. GitLab will only show you this once - if you forget it you will need to generate a fresh one.

In Key Pair SSH window, use the Generate button to have Iguana generate a private key pair for you. For more information on SSH see: How does IguanaX use SSH?



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