Filtering Components on the Dashboard

Filtering Components on the Dashboard

You can use search/filter criteria to specify which components are displayed in the Dashboard.

  1. The Dashboard can be filtered using the Search Bar. When using the Search Bar, you can search Component Names and Tags using two types of matching strategies:

  • When you click directly on component #tags, they are added to the Dashboard filter as an “OR“, essentially creating a list of the matching component tags you want to display on the Dashboard.

  • You can use simple character strings to search component names and tags for an existing value.

  • You can select ‘Match Whole Word’ to only display results that are exact matches.

  • You can enhance your searches using boolean and glob expression pattern matching.

Here are a few useful matching techniques for filtering the Dashboard:

-- Search strings to match components names/tags with hl7 OR #epic tags. hl7 #epic -- Use quotations " " to match components with #prod AND #dev tags. “#prod #dev“ -- Use negation "-" to match components with hl7 but without the #epic tag. hl7 -#epic -- Use the wildcard "*" to match 0 or more characters -- match any components with HL7v2.x.x in the name or tag *v2*

You can use regular expressions to search and filter your Dashboard screen. To use regex, simply enclose your expression within forward slashes (/<regex>/).

There are many ways you can use regex queries. Here are a few simple, and useful, things that you can do with regex:

-- Use an anchor "^" to match all components beginning with a value /^hl7/ -- Use a pipe "|" to match all components beggining with hl7 OR #epic tag /^hl7|#epic/

Iguana X does not support the lookahead/lookbehind regex queries (for example “/?=…/“).

  1. You can also filter in the Dashboard using Filter Tags.

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