
Tags are a very important part of the design of IguanaX as they drive a lot of functionality. This solution is very flexible in allowing customers with complex needs to solve many problems by using #tags (small expressions starting with #, like #admin, #dev, #emr, etc.) to categorize and implement rules.

You can also do mass editing of #tags using .

Tags are assigned to Users and Components to invoke functionality including:

By adding #tags to components in the Tags field of a Component Card, you are able to categorize your interfaces and filter your Dashboard.

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Click on a component #tags and the Dashboard will filter to only display components with the assigned tag. You can filter on one or more #tags to refine your display.

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Each user can also create on the top of their Dashboard to quickly filter the displayed components on their Dashboard.

  • #autostart - autostart the component when the IguanaX service is rebooted (

  • #run - runs a component immediately upon adding the component.

Tags are used to assign Role permissions:

  • Users with Tags are assigned Iguana system permissions.

  • Component’s by default have no permission restrictions. Only if a tag matching a role is added to a Component Card, are the tags permissions applied to that component.

See and .

To apply configured to specific Components, the corresponding notification rule tag can be added to the Component Card.

Log Purge Rules can be applied to specific components by adding a tag to the Component Card. See .