How to discover IguanaX APIs?

How to discover IguanaX APIs?

We have not yet documented these APIs. They are under flux while we finish the product. Having said that these APIs are quite easy to discover through a couple of techniques. Firstly you can use a Lua call called iguana.callList(). This will return a table with the complete list of available APIs:

Then many of these APIs will return error messages if you are missing a required field in the data. On the whole most of the APIs take fairly small numbers of parameters which is a reflection of the underlying simplicity of IguanaX’s design.

Another approach for finding APIs and knowing what parameters to call them with is to use the developer tools in your browser to look at network requests made by the GUI. Here’s an example of doing that with Chrome. In this case I added a user and used the network inspection table to view the parameters being passed in:


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