Typescript is a bad idea

Typescript is a bad idea

Typescript is a language that tries to bring type safety to Javascript.

Sorry dudes - if your code is so complicated that you need typesafety to solve the problem then you are solving the wrong problem.

Don’t get me wrong - I appreciate type-safety with C++ - it’s helpful in that environment. But not so much in the browser.

Your problem is why is your code so complicated you think you need this? See how to make a pink daiquiri.

The benefits one gets with typescript are more than lost with the fact that:

  • You lose the benefits of being able to understand your code within the browser, this is because:

    • typescript → compiler → javascript

    • So the javascript you see in your application at runtime has been generated.

  • Most of the code you are writing in Javascript is interacting with the APIs of the browser and guess what - this code isn’t written in typescript - it’s not typesafe.

  • The javascript console and debugger environment becomes far less useful. Just in the same way parsing through assembler generated from compiling your C code isn’t terribly helpful.

Tools which generate CSS are also a bad idea for the same reason.

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