Ccache is a solution to try and speed up incremental builds of C/C++ code by figuring a smart way to “cache” on disc object files generated by a C/C++ compiler.
ccache simulates the C preprocessor, calculates an MD5 hash and if the hash has not changed then we can just copy the object file from the cache rather than re-invoking the compiler.
ccache usually consumes a fair bit of disc space. I wouldn’t take it for granted that ccache always works - your mileage may vary depending on what version someone is running.
For more information:
You can see the state of ccache with the -s flag which gives much more clarity as to what it is doing:
Eliots-MacBook-Pro-2:COL eliotmuir$ ccache -s
cache directory /Users/eliotmuir/.ccache
primary config /Users/eliotmuir/.ccache/ccache.conf
secondary config (readonly) /usr/local/Cellar/ccache/3.7.4/etc/ccache.conf
stats updated Wed Sep 1 11:35:53 2021
stats zeroed Sat Apr 3 17:41:13 2021
cache hit (direct) 110141
cache hit (preprocessed) 4424
cache miss 22688
cache hit rate 83.47 %
called for link 5700
called for preprocessing 13
multiple source files 3
compiler produced empty output 2
compile failed 996
preprocessor error 985
bad compiler arguments 1
autoconf compile/link 42
no input file 5
cleanups performed 0
files in cache 55462
cache size 2.5 GB
max cache size 5.0 GB