An EZCONNECT string can be used in the Translator by the db.connect{}
API function to connect to your Oracle database. The EZCONNECT string will have the format:
Note: Items in square brackets are [optional] — do not set the last two items [:server][/instance_name] unless your DBA advises you to use them.
| |
host | This name of the Oracle database server This must be a valid DNS name or IP address for the Oracle database server. |
port (optional) | If the port is not included then it defaults to 1521. |
service name | The service name (or database service name) is the “logical database name” that Oracle uses to access a database – it is equivalent to the database name in other database systems. If you are using Oracle 11g or later you can omit the service name and the default will be used — however we strongly recommend including the server name for clarity. |
username | Login user name for the Oracle server. If the username and password are left blank then integrated security is used — this requires kerberos. You should speak to your DBA (database administrator) and/or your system/network administrator about if you have questions (about setting up permissions for) integrated users. |
password | Password for the user |
Example EZCONNECT: FredSmith/secret-password@Oracle-Server:3351/Test-DB