

The BIGDATA Library is an importable library containing functions to connect, authenticate, and interact with the BigDataCloud API to validate data. This library is used in the BigDataCloud API Validation.

When imported into projects, typically only the BIGDATAclient module needs to be required in order to create the client and access the API methods.

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How it works:

Use the Translator’s built in help to review how to use each function:

Sets up the BigDataCloud API adapter framework, adding the various method modules to a metatable and storing the configurations added to the custom fields.

Takes in any API requests and parameters to make the API call and return the response. An API key is appended to the url to authenticate requests.

There are two sample method functions included:

Validates the phone number passed as an argument against the BigDataCloud API.

validates the email passed as an argument against the BigDataCloud API.