Store Library

Store Library

The store library provides a simple method to store key/value pairs in a persistent storage mechanism (SQLite database). This library can be imported into Translator projects, the source code can be found here: Bitbucket

The store library is simple to use. The store.connect("<database_name>") function is first called with the name of the SQLite database to be used for the store. The database file with a “store“ table is automatically created and added to the Translator project.

local MyStore = store.connect(“myDatabase.db”)

Use the following functions:

  • MyStore:put() to store information

  • MyStore:get() to get information

  • MyStore:info() to return all stored data

  • MyStore:reset() to empty the store (deletes all stored data)

  • MyStore:delete() to delete the store database file

Try it out in the Translator:

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