Generate Database and Tables from a VDB

Generate Database and Tables from a VDB

IguanaX can be used to modify an existing database’s tables or generate a database and tables from VDB table definitions.

This functionality is supported for a variety of databases including SQLite, MS SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL, and MariaDB.

Simply open your VDB file and click Export.

Use the SQL Export tool to generate SQL statements to create the defined VDB tables in your desired database.

  1. Type: Select the database and API connection method you want to create tables in.

  2. Data Source: If the database does not exist in the path provided, the export tool will create the database and associated tables.

    • For ODBC database connections, use the system data source name as specified in ODBC.

    • For Oracle OCI, use the OCI TNS Alias (database server name).

    • For MySQL use the database name.

    • For SQLite, browse to the path of the .sqlite target database file.

  3. Database (for ODBC): The name of the target database.

  4. Username and Password: If required, enter your database login credentials.

  1. Click Generate SQL to see the prepared SQL statement.

  2. Make any changes to the SQL as required.

    • You may notice, as you select different Database APIs, Iguana automatically generates the syntactically correct SQL statements to create the tables.

    • You can make any necessary edits to the SQL before executing. If a table already exists in your database, the table will be dropped and re-created to reflect your changes.

  3. When ready, click Export to execute the prepared SQL statement and generate your VDB tables in your database.


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