Members Account

Every organization using IguanaX will have an iNTERFACEWARE Members Account for ongoing management of:

  • Iguana Licenses - view current use, activate new licenses, or transfer licenses.

  • Financial history - current invoices and payment history.

The Members Account portal can be accessed by visiting or through the Log In button on our website.

Using your Members Account:

Using your Members Account, you can click View All to view and manage all of your activated Iguana licenses. Select a particular license to see its details.


When viewing a specific license you can Edit Details or Transfer License to a new Iguana.


Using your Members Account you can activate a new license code for a particular Iguana ID, to register or update your Iguana license.

See .

If you are moving an existing IguanaX to a new server, you can email or use your Members Account to transfer an existing license to a new IguanaX instance.

See .

Multiple people from your organization can be granted access the account, the following permissions can be assigned:

  • Full permissions: Activate new license codes, transfer licenses and view financial history

  • Read-write permissions: Activate new license codes and transfer licenses

  • Read-only permissions: View license codes

Every account will have a Primary Individual with full admin permissions to the Members Portal.

To manage users or grant permissions, the primary individual should email your Account Manager or, with a message containing the permissions request.