if statements

if statements

if statements are Block statements.

They allow us to run a piece of code if a condition is true. The condition is considered true if the value is anything other than false or nil.

local LabTest = true if LabTest then ProcessLabTest() -- this statement is executed end

You can use Equality and Inequality Operators to create conditional logic. For instance:

local temperature = 98.6 if temperature == 98.6 then trace("temperature is 98.6") -- this statement is executed end

You can extend if statements further by using elseif and else to define additional conditions to check.

local temperature = 104 if temperature == 98.6 then trace("temperature is 98.6") elseif temperature > 98.6 and temperature < 100 then trace("temperature is slightly above normal") elseif temperature >= 100 then trace("patient has a fever") -- this statement is executed else trace("temperature is below normal") end

See Using trace() function

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