Custom Logging

Custom Logging

One of the most helpful parts of Iguana is the logging system. It’s super easy to build intuitive logging for your own components using it. Here are a few pointers:

So this is an example of a log message:

iguana.logInfo("#custom #me This is a custom log")


This makes it a little easier to view the logs and filter on the tags by clicking on them:

See the #custom. If you were to click on it, this is what you would see:

Cool eh? Very nice way of filtering your log data. Switching on Matches only:


In the Translator, you can use iguana.log to provide a hook for implementing custom notification logic. For example, if you write this helper function:

function Alert(Message) iguana.log("ALERT: "..Message) end

Then create a Log Contains Notifications rule using the key word “ALERT:“ to trigger a notification anytime there is a match in the component’s logs.

This is how you do it:

local MessageId = queue.push{data="A message"} iguana.logInfo("This is associated with that message.", MessageId)

Now this custom informational log you just created, will be related in the logs to the message queued.

That’s it! Simple and powerful.