Setting up Bitbucket Access

Setting up Bitbucket Access

Iguana X needs to have the ability to create Git repos on a cloud Git host like bitbucket. This means we need to create an App password with the correct permissions. Iguana will use your Bitbucket Username and created App Password to authenticate with Bitbucket. This is required to be configured by each User added to the Iguana X instance.

In Iguana X, navigate to Settings → Bitbucket.

This is what you will most likely see initially:

  1. Configure your Git credentials by following this page: Author Info

  2. Now you will need an account with bitbucket. If you don’t have one create a free one by following these steps: Creating a Free Bitbucket Account

This video shows how to create an App Password in Bitbucket and set the required permissions:


Here is a closer look at the permissions you need to grant your App Password for Iguana:

You can also access Bitbucket’s documentation on App Passwords by clicking the more information link:

The Bitbucket GUI will only show you this once - if you forget it you will need to generate a fresh one.

Click on the ellipsis in the second section - Bitbucket Username/App Password - to add your Bitbucket Username and App Password.

But what if your company needs to use another platform like github or gitlabs?