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The Athenahealth adapter is designed to provide a template for getting started with Athenahealth API integrations. It leverages the ATHENA Library to:
Authenticate with the Athenahealth API Server via OAuth2.0
Demo AthenaOne APIs Integration: searchPatient and createPatient
Demo FHIR APIs Integration: searchPatientsFhir
This component can be customized and adapted according to your workflow needs.
How to use it:
STEP 1: Login or sign up for Athenahealth Developer Portal to access the Testing Sandbox and create a Client App called "IguanaXApp"
Refer to Setup Athenahealth Sandbox for the sign up process, creating and client and gathering the authentication details needed for the Athenahealth Adapter.
STEP 2: Import the Athenahealth Adapter component in Iguana
See Create a Component if this is your first time!
STEP 3: Double click on this component and edit the required component configurations
Component Configurations
ClientId: the Athenahealth application client ID
ClientSecret: the Athenahealth application client secret
Scopes: the space-delimited string that lists the scopes of access that the application has. By default, this example component will include the scopes you need to access the AthenaOne and FHIR Patient API endpoints (ex. athena/service/Athenanet.MDP.* system/
Prod: boolean value to indicate whether to use the Preview or Production AthenaHealth environment
PracticeId: AthenaHealth practice ID. By default, this will contain the sandbox practice ID (ex. 1128700).
You can get ClientId, Client Secret, and Scopes from App Setup: Setup Athenahealth Sandbox
Upon start up, the component will take the provided credentials to retrieve an access token from Athenahealth and store it in an encrypted file for use on subsequent API requests.
STEP 4: Verify the connection is successful by checking the Translator annotations or running the component
Click Edit > Make a Copy and Edit to open the Translator.
You can verify the connection from the Translator by clicking on the results of the patient searches in the annotations.
You can also verify the created patient by starting the component, checking the logs for the newly created patient’s ID, and checking the Athenahealth sandbox How to use Athenahealth Sandbox or the updated search results in the Translator.