What happens after we hit the home run on usability, compatibility and stability?

Basically our first goal is to get most of our customers running one instance of IguanaX and making sure we hit all these three goals solidly.

Then we are going to be shifting focus to scalability.

What does scalability mean?

  • It means being able to treat your Iguana servers as cattle, not pets. It should be super simple to deploy and redeploy an Iguana server if you lose it.

  • It means being able to manage thousands of interfaces either within your data centre or globally across a wide distributed area.

  • It means be able to scale your people. Making the platform exceptionally transparent and easy to use so your people can focus on what you do with your data - not how you do it.

What’s an example of problem that arises at scale? How about the issue of upgrading a component across a 1000 servers?