Iguana Log Resubmit Best Practices
Iguana logging allows customer to resubmit message, such as:
Resubmit single message due to missing data
Resubmit bulk messages due to unavailable downstream systems
There are a few ways that allow you to resubmit Iguana messages effectively
Resubmit Methods Summary
Resubmit Type | Pros | Cons |
Single Message on the same channel |
Bulk Messages on the same channel |
External Tool (ex. HL7 Simulator) to send Message over LLP |
Built Resubmit From Translator to Channel |
Resubmit Methods Details
1) Single Message on the same channel
You can use the resubmit option in your logs to resubmit messages .
However it is only good to use that feature to resent small amount of messages , sending large amount of messages can cause Iguana’s performance to suffer
2) Bulk Messages on the same channel
Same process as “Single Message Resubmit“ and reseting message index allows you to resubmit bulk messages from the “Processed“ message queue.
You can also resend a bulk messages by placing a marker on a log message and select the processed button.
Once you have clicked start here , all messages starting from the selected log message will be resubmitted.
Please note you will not have the Processed Option from your LLP to LLP channel as the message needs to be processed, this means messages coming out of the translator/filer or a From File component.
Be advised this method will resubmit all the messages which means the destination may also get duplicates.
For more information and steps click here .
3) External Tool Resubmit
You can use a third party software such as HL7 Simulator to re submit your messages.
Simply download the message from Iguana and have your Hl7 Simulator
Point to the file to retrieve message from
Ensure it is set to resubmit to your local environment (address)
Ensure the sending port matches the port of your from LLP component
4) Built Resubmit From Translator to Channel
This method utilizes a separate Iguana Channel to perform the resubmit process.
This method requires the architecture shown above, where the source system sends to the Queue in one channel and another channel receives from the Queue to send to destination.
You will download the messages from your logs as a file and place it in a directory
A third channel which will act as our Resubmit Channel will read file from directory and pushed
This will reduce process load on a single channel, as well as perform bulk Resubmit with ease.