The configuration file for the component configuration settings an individual component’s configurations are stored in the components comps directory:
Code Block |
<instance<working guid>directory>/configurationsconfig/componentscomps/<component guid>.json/ |
The Each directory contains a unique <component guid> components.json file for each component to store the following configurations:
Commit ID - the commit id the component is set to run on. If empty, component is set to run in DEVELOPMENT mode.
Description - the component description.
, storing the component card fields, and two directories storing the component’s project files - dev and run:
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title | components.json stores the information entered on the component card |
component.json stores the information entered on the component card : description - the component description. fields - the custom fields and values on the component card (vales are always encrypted). guid - the component’s assigned unique identifier.
Repo - the URL of the connected upstream repository storing the component source code.
An example component file may look like this: commit_id91ce29fdescription"#demo#hl7#custom#filterThisfeedsfromasource queue into a destination queue.","facilityFilter": "517D846FAA694B3A09730CFC36186EDA",
" | guidHL7Map_im0dplROqZ3REx"517D846FAA694B3A09730CFC36186EDA"
" | nameHL7 MappingHL7Mapper_AmgBIzKDrHSJUL",
" | Mapper",
"sources": [
" | LLPListenecVedYEj07rP21Ctemplatefalse,writable": true
"template": false
} |
Info |
The component.json file is not checked into component repositories, however is checked into and stored in the Git Instance repository. |
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title | dev and run - contains a Component's Translator project files used to run the component |
There are two directories with the same structure, used by Iguana to run the components according to the configuration: The dev directory contains a component’s Translator project files and configurations when the component is set to run in development mode. The run directory contains a component’s Translator project files and configurations when the component is set to run from a specific selected commit.
See Choosing the code to run for your component. The folders will contain: main.lua along with any other files or dependencies included in the project (ex. VMD, VDB, Lua files, etc.) config.json - config.json stores the custom fields and default values set in the Translator. .git folder - directory that stores all the data, history, and configurations required for Git to manage version control of the component’s repository.