IguanaX Change Log

IguanaX Change Log

Release 10.1.109 Notes

We made a lot of performance and stability improvements with this release and fixed some bugs.


  • IX-2618: Automatically purge files/folders in the logt directory that don’t match any component GUID.

  • IX-2738: Added the ability to remove the upstream repository from a component, library, or the instance itself.

  • IX-2750: Exporting sample data sets the sample data index in the receiving translator to the new file.

  • IX-2869: Enabled holding Page Up/Page Down keys in the log browser for faster navigation.

  • IX-2872: Added a banner in annotation windows to show where the argument is called.

  • IX-2980: Components you cannot connect with are now grayed out in the interface.

  • IX-3041: Auto-recovery behavior for corrupted logs is now configurable.

  • IX-3143: Render only expanded parts of a VMD file in the VMD viewer (instead of merely showing/hiding via CSS).

  • IX-3214: Prompt user to restart the instance after changing database settings.

  • IX-3275: Restored missing context views for error messages under certain circumstances.

  • IX-3336: Improved visibility for SSL connection errors.

  • IX-3425: Parent folders now display an indicator showing if they contain files with Git changes.

  • IX-3499: Fixed styling issues with the splitter in the dashboard and translator.

  • IX-3540: Added the ability to revert changes made to a library.

  • IX-3542: Blank component no longer requires Git credentials and appears at the top of the component list.

  • IX-3592: Added a warning checkbox for components/libraries with no external Git repository set.

  • IX-3646: Renamed all “Iguana X” references to “IguanaX.”

  • IX-3713: Allowed renaming a file or folder to the same name with different case.

  • IX-3722: Fixed text-selection issues for elements within a draggable list.

  • IX-3758: Escaped HTML when rendering help file contents.

  • IX-3778: Adjusted annotation window positions to prevent them from stretching off-screen.

  • IX-3787: Automatically create non-existent subfolders when creating a file.

  • IX-3788: Calling S() on nodes other than MSH.1 or MSH.2 returns an escaped string similar to Iguana 6.

  • IX-3794: Setting environment variables no longer clears the state of running components.

  • IX-3795: Split Git cache refresh into separate force and clear arguments.

  • IX-3796: Rewrote the JSON parser for greater simplicity, safety, and robustness.

  • IX-3798: Environment variable values are snapshotted at the start of script execution.

  • IX-3803: Moved crash reports out of the instance repository.

  • IX-3805: Refined an edge case in the KMP (Knuth–Morris–Pratt) search algorithm.

  • IX-3806: Enforced license limits for auto-started components.

  • IX-3807: Notified users that deleted components (and their logs) go to the archived folder.

  • IX-3808: Custom field values of type “list” default to the first option.

  • IX-3809: Rewrote “search and replace” in the translator for improved performance.

  • IX-3810: Fixed Git add errors on Windows for libraries on newer Git versions.

  • IX-3812: Hid the custom component template (replaced by the Blank template).

  • IX-3813: Added tooltips in the translator showing Git repo URLs; libraries include an “open library” arrow link.

  • IX-3814: Enhanced library renaming workflow; can rename matching prefixes in filenames and content.

  • IX-3819: Auto-switch to the newly added sample data set without redirect.

  • IX-3821: Exporting logs as sample data generates more readable names.

  • IX-3823: Fixed truncation in the log details viewer during searches.

  • IX-3824: Strengthened HTML escaping for log content in the log browser.

  • IX-3826: Corrected a missing file separator in owners.json for user admin.

  • IX-3827: Fixed errors when opening a second stack trace window.

  • IX-3828: Matched Iguana 6’s behaviour for how error-box listeners are set.

  • IX-3830: Made the log type icon in the log details view “sticky” while scrolling.

  • IX-3833: Allowed adding a library from any Git URL, not just known collections.

  • IX-3835: Fixed inability to clear a component’s tags, allowing them to be empty.

  • IX-3839: Iguana now respects the .ini file’s working directory for command-line actions.

  • IX-3842: Updated SSH keygen type for Azure to RSA-SHA2-256 (with an env var override).

  • IX-3844: No longer crashes on missing primitives (e.g., DT, DTM) in Chameleon VMD files; improved error handling.

  • IX-3845: Fixed a bug that could corrupt a user’s file when saving a new password.

  • IX-3846: Cached environment values upon translator script compilation for consistent state.

  • IX-3851: Removed the green bar in the Git commit history splitter and removed dark mode.

  • IX-3853: Improved rendering in “Add Component” when a component appears in multiple collection files.

  • IX-3854: Annotations only update after specific actions if “autorun annotations” is enabled.

  • IX-3855: Addressed a file-delete edge case that caused infinite loops when removing certain require statements.

  • IX-3856: Enhanced workflow for resolving library mismatches between .gitmodules and upstream repos.

  • IX-3858: Better feedback on Git cache refresh clicks, plus a link to logs.

  • IX-3866: Switched to Lua 5.2’s os.date() for improved Windows stability.

  • IX-3867: Library creation now follows the same naming rules as existing libraries.

  • IX-3868: Increased stability when deleting a folder multiple times.

  • IX-3871: If multiple errors occur within 500ms, up to three messages appear in the card and dashboard tooltip.

  • IX-3873: Boosted stability for print calls in non-IDE mode.

  • IX-3877: Running a component from a commit now correctly logs which commit is used.

  • IX-3880: Adjusted permissions for generated keys to improve security.

  • IX-3882: Fixed Windows hanging when it fails to log in the Windows Event logs on startup

Release 10.1.108 Notes

This release introduces Dark Mode and bulk log resubmission, along with numerous smaller enhancements and bug fixes for improved stability and performance.

New Features

  • [IX-3300]: Added support for lists in custom fields (dropdowns).

  • [IX-3349]: Allow force-stopping components stuck in infinite loops (i.e., “killed”).

  • [IX-3624]: Enforced allowable paths for OS execute commands.

  • [IX-3627]: Enabled multi-line display in the context view for logs.

  • [IX-3628]: Automatically update custom fields when associated environment variables change.

  • [IX-3631]: Added a scrollbar for long tags in component cards.

  • [IX-3703]: Introduced Dark Mode.

  • [IX-3706]: Added bulk log resubmission functionality.

  • [IX-3714]: New Lua API for retrieving file extensions (os.fs.extension(FileName)).

  • [IX-3727]: Enforced complex password requirements for user creation.

  • [IX-3754]: Introduced HTML escaping settings for file contents and component data.

  • [IX-3759]: Reimplemented the sample data editor to use hex codes.

  • [IX-3767]: Introduced new permission architecture for controlling OS execute and data directory accessibility.

  • [IX-3769]: Enhanced json.parse to handle Unicode characters.

Bug Fixes

  • [IX-3377]: Fixed hyperlink behaviour for clickable links in log messages.

  • [IX-3378]: Resolved an issue causing the log browser to revert to the Iguana Service under heavy load.

  • [IX-3611]: Corrected the upstream URL for libraries when viewing from a commit in the Translator.

  • [IX-3709]: Addressed bugs related to plain folder commits.

  • [IX-3719]: Ensured components refresh to the latest commits.

  • [IX-3720]: “Make component editable” now correctly uses the latest commit of the component.

  • [IX-3729]: Fixed an issue where HTTP2 content was being truncated.

  • [IX-3731]: Escaped special HTML characters in the log browser to improve security.

  • [IX-3738]: Improved performance when rendering component cards.

  • [IX-3745]: Fixed stepping in and out of functions in the Windows Translator.

  • [IX-3746]: Improved stability for bulk log resubmission.

  • [IX-3761]: Added more service error logging when Iguana fails to restart automatically after upgrades.

  • [IX-3762]: Corrected HTTPS redirect issues caused by content security policy.

  • [IX-3770]: Fixed an Azure cloud token registry bug.

  • [IX-3771]: Ensured Git push only occurs if the connected repository was newly created.

  • [IX-3776]: Improved Git credentials validation stability.

  • [IX-3780]: Fixed a reverse-order edge case when retrieving logs in the log browser.

Release 10.1.107 Notes

New Features

  • [IX-3624]: Added directory access controls to enhance security by specifying which directories Iguana can access.

  • [IX-3637]: Introduced multithreaded components using component.clone, enabling efficient task distribution and concurrent workflows such as multi-threaded web servers.

  • [IX-3497]: Enabled component.call to allow one component to call functions in another, including asynchronous calls for enhanced multi-threaded web server functionality.

  • [IX-3575]: Implemented a reset instance feature (currently in Beta).

Bug Fixes

  • [IX-3003]: Resolved an auto-formatting issue related to "end" in tab formatting.

  • [IX-3695]: Fixed an issue to ensure the run directory is recreated when starting a component.

  • [IX-3692]: Updated the file browser to maintain a fixed height for improved usability.

  • [IX-3690]: Restored the "Show only checked rows" button on the dashboard.

This release introduces support for HTTP/2 connections. It also contains other minor improvements.

New Features

  • [IX-3605] Implemented support for the HTTP/2 protocol.

  • [IX-3624] Added os.execute permission to component roles.


  • [IX-3631] Simplified the Select Commit to Run from screen.

  • [IX-3629] Upgraded CodeMirror to version 5.65.18.

  • [IX-3638] Updated bzip2 library to version 1.0.8.

  • [IX-3646] Standardized the spelling of "Iguana X" to "IguanaX."

Bug Fixes

  • [IX-3480] Fixed escaping of quotation marks in file names in the Commit Changes dialog.

  • [IX-3632] Made the Configure Repository screen scrollable.

Release 10.1.105:
This release introduces log encryption. It also has smaller improvements to permission handling, and user experience, along with fixes to enhance overall stability and functionality.

New Features and Enhancements:

  • Log Encryption: Logs can now be encrypted for secure logging. [IX-3555, IX-3557]

  • Permission Check: Added validation when changing components from plain file folders to repositories to ensure proper permissions. [IX-3598]

Bug Fixes:

  • Component Creation Warning: A warning now alerts users if a newly created component is missing a main.lua file. [IX-3586]

  • Tab Focus in Translator: Fixed an issue with the tab-to-focus functionality in the Translator. [IX-3584]

  • Commit Migration Fix: Improved handling of run commit migrations for seamless updates. [IX-3599]