Parsing and Serializing JSON

Parsing and Serializing JSON

Working with JSON data in Iguana is easy. You can parse, create, and serialize JSON data efficiently using the built-in json module. Below is a quick guide on how to manage JSON data in the Translator.

Parsing JSON:

To parse incoming JSON data, use the json.parse{} function. This will convert a JSON string into a Lua table, which can then be manipulated easily.

Try it out with this simple code snippet:

local jsonTemplate = [[ { "firstname":"John", "lastname":"Doe", "birthdate":"1997-04-11", "phone":"(905)343-2352" } ]] function main(Data) -- parse JSON local msg = json.parse{data=jsonTemplate} local name = msg.firstname..' '..msg.lastname trace(name) end

Use the annotations to view the lua table generated from the JSON string.

Generating and Serializing JSON:

To generate JSON, use json.serialize{} to serialize Lua tables into a JSON Object or Array.

First, you can create a Lua table, either by following a static template or dynamically based on available inbound data from a source system.

For example, take this sample HL7 message and use it as sample data to map to a lua table. For practice, create a simple VMD called adt.vmd file and import the ADT^A04 for HL7v2.3.

MSH|^~\&|SENDING_APP|SENDING_FACILITY|RECEIVING_APP|RECEIVING_FACILITY|20110613083617||ADT^A04|934576120|P|2.3|||| EVN|A04|20110613083617||| PID|1||135769||Mouse^Mickey||19281118|M|||123 Main St.^^Lake Buena Vista^FL^32830||(407)939-1289|||||1719|99999999||| PV1|1|O|||||7^Disney^Walt^^MD^^^^||
  1. Using a Predefined Template:

Typically, the JSON template values will start as empty strings or JSON NULLs, ready to be populated.

local jsonTemplate = [[ { "firstname":"", "lastname":"", "birthdate":"", "phone":"" } ]] function main(Data) -- parse JSON local msg = json.parse{data=jsonTemplate} -- map HL7 to Lua table local msgIn = hl7.parse{vmd='adt.vmd', data=Data} msg.firstname = msgIn.PID[5][2]:nodeValue() msg.lastname = msgIn.PID[5][1]:nodeValue() msg.birthdate = msgIn.PID[7]:nodeValue() msg.phone = msgIn.PID[13][1]:nodeValue() end
  1. Dynamic Generation:

Both methods will result in the same Lua table:

Once you’ve built or modified your Lua table, you can serialize it back into JSON format using the json.serialize{} function.

This is useful when you need to send the data to an external service or log it in JSON format.

You can also use The string viewing window to view this json string in different view modes.


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