HL7 Client

HL7 Client

The HL7 Client component is used as a sink (destination) component designed to read from a queue and send HL7 messages to a specified system IP and port via the LLP Protocol.

How to set it up:

On the Dashboard, click +COMPONENT and search for HL7 Client.

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You can configure the desired IP address and port in the component card custom field. The default IP address is 127.0.01 (localhost) and the port is set to 1452.

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The HL7 Client is a sink component which is designed to receive queued messages and send them to a destination system via LLP.

Using the default HL7 Server and HL7 Map components, your integration may look like this:

See Edit Connections.

For testing:

  • Use the Simulator and send messages to localhost and the port configured for the HL7 Server. The Simulator does not need to be directly linked to the HL7 Server as messages won’t be queued between the components, they use the LLP protocol.

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