Support for Github

Currently we do not have support for Github. Users can however paste in their own git url’s (see ). However, there are still some pain points.

Trouble with SSH Access

Git credentials are stored on a per user basis. This means that:

  • Although you may have your machine configured to have ssh access to Github, Iguana may not since it is looking for the credentials in your configurations/users/<username> folder.


Following this procedure should provide you with ssh access to Github:

  • In Iguana navigate to the Settings and find the Bitbucket settings screen

  • At the bottom click Regenerate Key

  • Copy the path seen beside 'Private Key:'

  • To see the public key content open command line and enter:

  • cat <paste_the_path_here!>.pub

  • Copy the output

  • Add it to the list of Github ssh keys in your Github account

Finally we need to update the known_hosts file:

  • From the command line perform a git clone of a repository in Github - USE SSH

  • If you are prompted with requests for adding it as a known_host please accept them

  • Don’t worry if this fails, this is just an easy way to update the known_hosts file

You should be ready after all these steps! You can delete the cloned repository if you wish.

Video Walkthrough