Local File Operations

Local File Operations

Lua offers an IO library specific for handling file operations. Our FIL Library is based on these simple functions.

Basic file operations will follow a standard framework:

Use os.fs.glob() to iterate over files matching a given pattern. In this case, we are iterating over all files with the extension .txt in the defined directory.

-- 1) Retrieve Files local sourceDir = '/filePickup/' for filePath, fileInfo in os.fs.glob(sourceDir..'*.txt') do -- add file processing here end

Depending on your workflow you can use the IO library or our FIL Library to:

  • Read files - io.read()

  • Open files - io.open()

  • Write data to files - io.write()

-- 1) Retrieve Files local sourceDir = '/filePickup/' for filePath, fileInfo in os.fs.glob(sourceDir..'*.txt') do -- 2) Open each file to read local F = io.open(filePath, 'r') -- read or write local Content = F:read('*a') F:write('new data') end

It is important to close file handles when finished with processing to release system resources and avoid file locks.

-- 1) Retrieve files local sourceDir = '/filePickup/' for filePath, fileInfo in os.fs.glob(sourceDir..'*.txt') do -- 2) Open each file to read local F = io.open(filePath, 'r') -- read or write local Content = F:read('*a') F:write('new data') -- 3) Close file handles F:close() end

Typically, when ingesting files, any processed files should either be moved with os.rename() or deleted from the source directory with os.remove().

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