Windows - Reset your password

Windows - Reset your password

Keep in mind that Iguana is an application that runs on top of the host operating system. If you do not wish people to reset the password on your Iguana instances you will need to protect access to the host computer.

Search for Command Prompt, then choose Run as administrator.

Assuming that your IguanaX instance is installed in the default location, use this command:

"C:\Program Files\IguanaX\iguana" --reset_admin_user

You should see a result similar to this:

If you are running your command prompt as administrator this should work:

"C:\Program Files\IguanaX\iguana" --service restart

Alternatively view Windows - Stop and Start Iguana for other ways to do this
(right click to open in a new tab)

Log in with the username admin and the newly regenerated password.




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